This little nugget came along with the Howe-Orme mandolinetto back in 2019 but was it pretty rough shape. But thanks to the magic of Steve Morrill, it is again playable with nice action and a great mellow tone.
Because there is no reliable dating system for Vega made guitars, we don’t know the exact date of manufacture, but we can suffice to say that is is between late teens through early thirties.
Both the top and the back are crack free; the both sides, however, show significant (though solidly repaired) cracks. Unfortunately the original repair person did not do a great job restoring the area to original stain and lustre, so it is evident upon close examination that the repairs had been done.
It has an expectedly compact body but with a wide fingerboard. While currently strung with extra-light steel strings, it could easily play host to nylon ones where you’d have, in effect, a classical guitar.
Serial # 36129