The littleuns are just some of the most beautiful instruments I have ever seen. From the ornate pickguard throwback to the bowlback tradition, to the arched top that reminds of a vega cylinderback but backwards to the understated headstock binding. These are what ukeleles aspire to be.
This is a style 4 (from my research) which translates to the upper but not completely top end of their line.
For such a tiny instrument, it has a huge sound ~ especially if picked ‘dolce’: it sounds like a harp and has these crazy sustained overtones.
As button-cute as this one is, it has had its share of trouble ~ there are several repaired cracks and it looks like it was oversprayed at some point. I had it serviced by the estimable Steve Morrill and it plays really nice up and down the neck. It was missing one abalone inlay, which was replaced.
Comes with a softish case that is probably older than it is
2023 Update
A few weeks ago I heard a ‘crack’ from the instrument room and didn’t immediately notice that an prior repair on this one had let go. At a show I had tuned it up to tension and then the neck block slipped resulting in cracks along the neck and and the top near the heel. Selling for parts/restoration. Neck and back are in good shape.